Sunday, January 26, 2020

Review of Binding Updates Security in MIPv6

Review of Binding Updates Security in MIPv6 Avishek Dutta   Vikram Raju R. Abstract— Mobile Nodes (MN) in Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) are given the opportunity to eliminate triangle routing that is inefficient with their own corresponding node (CN) using Route Optimization (RO). This greatly improves the performance of the network. Unfortunately, using this method allows several security vulnerabilities to manifest itself with the MIPv6. Among those, common issues are those concerns the verification of authenticity and authorization of Binding Updates during the process of RO. These types of unauthenticated and unauthorized BUs are the key to various types of malicious attacks. Since it is expected that MIPv6 will be supported by IPv6, several mechanism to ensure BU security will be crucial in the next generation Internet. This article focuses on Mobile IPv6 and security considerations. Keywords/Index Term—IKE, Mobile IPv6, Network Security, Potential threats in MIPv6 I. Introduction The way MIPv6 operates can be seen in Figure 1 [1], with 3 node types, namely the Home Agent (HA), Mobile Node (MN) and the Corresponding Node (CN) [2], while MN’s mobility is detected by a router advertisement message including an MN able to make a router send its advertisement message by request, if needed. Following mobility detection, the MN gets a CoA unlike in MIPv4, after which it sends the BU message to the HA and the communicated corresponding node (a node wishing to connect to, or is communicating with MN). The HA and corresponding node update the binding list and send acknowledgement messages [1], meaning that the Mobile IPv6 allows an MN to alter its attachment point to the internet while maintaining established communications [3]. This paper presents an analysis of both Route Optimisation (RO) and Identity Based Encryption (IBE) protocol with proposal to strengthen the level of security of a BU method. This method uses the public key to create an authentication th at is stronger. II. MN-HA Authentication Mutual authentication between an MN and its HA is mandatory in MIPv6, and usually performed with IPSec and IKE, while session key generation and authentication are done with IKE. Using X.509 certificates in IKE is the existing method of performing these tasks. The MN moves to a foreign network and obtains a new CoA. MN carries out a BU on its HA (where the new CoA is registered). HA sends a binding acknowledgement to MN. A Correspondent Node (CN) tries to contact MN, with HA intercepting packets destined to MN. Next, HA tunnels all packets from CN to MN using MNs CoA. When MN replies to the CN, it may use its current CoA (and bind to the CN) and communicate with the CN directly (â€Å"route optimization†), or it could tunnel all its packets through the HA. Sometimes MN and HA share a common secret, possibly occurring in WLAN instances when MN shifts to another WLAN which requires authentication [4]. If there are no shared secrets, extending the IKEv2 authentication process to identity-based authentication as opposed to X.509-based authentication certificates is usual. It can also be assumed that both MN and HA use the same PKG, and according to the relationship between these three entities, any trust level from I to III may be applied during private key delivery. Regarding IKE, two main methods of implementing IBE exist, the first of which involves modifying IKE’s four-way handshake while the second utilizes EAP to generate a new IBE-based EAP authentication method [4]. A. Modifying IKE IKE could implement IBE through the addition of a third authentication method, other than the previous shared secret and X.509 authentication. Instead of X.509 certificates, IKE also uses â€Å"IBE certificates†. IBE-based authentication functions fundamentally the same as X.509 authentication, in that to authenticate peers the same information block should be signed as in the X.509-based authentication, in addition to a signature based on IBE (i.e. the Hess signature). Currently, identities are replacing certificates and revocation lists do not need to be checked. Ehmke (2007) implemented a prototype which can realize this idea. Performance wise, clearly transmit certificates or certificate requests are no longer necessary since the IKE identity can be used straight as the public key for authentication. Also, expensive certificate-chain checking is redundant while elliptic curve cryptography-based hardware- accelerated IBE algorithms are sometimes quite efficient, particularl y in embedded devices [4]. B. Extensible Authentication Protocol Several wireless networks utilize the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) [5] for access authentication. EAP techniques commonly deal with AAA servers which affect the required authentications, after which notifications are relayed back to a functional module (Network Access Server) in the access network. For Mobile IPv6 [6], the Binding Authentication Data option [7] helps enable different authentication techniques, while a subtype exists for AAA- based authentication like EAP. On the other hand, there still are EAP methods requiring extra handling and specifications which present Binding Authentication Data option documentation does not provide. Currently, specification from this document is for at least some very widely deployed EAP methods, so, often, when EAP is needed, Mobile IPv6 tunnel redirection to a wireless device’s new CoA can be done much faster [8-10]. C. Using Extensible Authentication Protocol Figure 2 illustrates possible steps in EAP implementation. It is advisable to use EAP as part when establishing a concurrent shared key to be used in the final two message exchanges leading to authentication [4]. Chen and Kudla’s key agreement with IBE technique is one alternative protocol (protocol 2’ in [11]) that can function in the absence of a key escrow, so CERTREQ and CERT messages in steps 2, 3, 4 are not necessary (Figure. 2). Figure 3 illustrates the resulting IKE Initial Message exchange. 1. I _ R: HDR, SAi1, KEi, Ni 2. R _ I: HDR, SAr1, KEr, Nr, [CERTREQ] 3. I _ R: HDR, ESK{IDi,[CERTREQ,][IDr,]SAi2,TSi,TSr} 4. R _ I: HDR, ESK{IDr,[CERT,]AUTH,EAP} 5. I _ R: HDR, ESK{EAP} 6. R _ I: HDR, ESK{EAP} .. n. R _ I: HDR, ESK{EAP(success)} n+1. I _ R: HDR, ESK{AUTH} n+2. R _ I: HDR, ESK{AUTH,SAr2,TSi,TSr} Fig 2. IKE Initial Message Exchange: Authentication using EAP [12]. Here, the same PKG is shared by MN and HA, where P is a public PKG parameter, and HA and MN choose the random numbers a and b, respectively. The Chen-Kudla protocol produces a session key solely for message 7 and 8 authentication. The AUTH payloads have to authenticate messages 3 and 4 based on MAC and a secret key generated by an EAP protocol [11]. 1. MN _ HA: HDR, SAMN1, KEMN, NMN 2. HA _ MN: HDR, SAHA1, KEHA, NHA 3. MN _ HA: HDR, ESK{IDMN,[IDHA,]SAMN2,TSMN,TSHA} 4. HA _ MN: HDR, ESK{IDHA,AUTH,EAP_CK_Req(a ·P,a ·QHA)} 5. MN _ HA: HDR, ESK{EAP_CK_Res(b ·P,b ·QMN)} 6. HA _ MN: HDR, ESK{EAP(success)} 7. MN _ HA: HDR, ESK{AUTH} 8. HA _ MN: HDR, ESK{AUTH,SAHA2,TSMN,TSHA} Fig 3. IKE Initial Message Exchange: EAP with IBE Authentication [12]. But since IBE uses PKG, it is almost impossible to guess which MN will be communicated by the CN. We cannot simply assume the same PKG is used by both MN and CN. Multi-PKG is used instead but it is not recommended for larger networks. III. MN-CN Authentication Via the MIPv6 protocol, MN can keep its network connection even when the network attachment modifies [13]. An MN can be reached at its home address (HA) anytime, even when not physically in its home network. When an MN is connected to a foreign network it obtains a CoA from the local router through stateless or stateful autoconfiguration. Next, for home r egistra tion, the MN sends HA its current location information (CoA) in a BU message, then HA can redirect and tunnel packets intended. for the MN’s home address, to the MN’s CoA. When a foreign network MN is in contact with a CN (a stationary or mobile peer communicating with a MN) through the HA, bidirectional tunnelling takes place for instances when CN is not bound to the MN (registration is in progress) or MIPv6 is not supported by CN [4]. If the CN supports MIPv6, a more effective mobile routing technique, Route Optimization (RO), can be used. RO is effective as it provides the most direct, shortest path of transmitting messages between an MN and a CN, eliminating the need for packets to pass through the HA, and avoiding triangular routing (bidirectional tunnelling). Prior to setting up RO, the MN must send CN a BU packet containing its CoA with present location data. On the other hand, security risks with RO [14] can be for example that an MN may send CN a false BU packet and redirect the communication stream to a desired location, resulting in a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack. Thus, for increased security, it is important to authenticate BUs in RO [4] [15]. What happens between a CN and MN is not the same as between an MN and its HA. Since CN could be any node, MN and CN have no shared secrets or trusted certificates. Thus, Return Routability (RR) can be used, as: †¢ An MN sends CN a home test init (HoTi) and care-of test init (CoTi). HoTi is sent directly through the HA and CoTi. HoTi has the home address and CoTi has the CoA as source addresses, both including a cookie. †¢ Upon receiving either HoTi or CoTi message, CN immediately answers with a home test (HoT) and care- of test (CoT) message which gets sent to the respective source address. Each reply contains the cookie recovered from the nonce indenx, corresponding init message, and a keygen token, later for BU authentication use. When MN receives HoT and CoT, RR is done. Only MN can receive packets sent to both its HA and CoA, and can now hash the two tokens to calculate the binding key. This key is utilized for generating a Message Authentication Code (MAC) for BUs, and MAC can be verified by CN. RR provides an analysis of a nodes reach-ability during authentication but do not validate address ownership in IPv6. IV. MIPv6 Security Analysis Providing security against different types of malicious attacks e.g. denial of service (DoS), connection hijacking, man- in-the-middle and impersonation, are the basic objectives for the development of IPv6. The objective of improved security is to create routing changes that are safe against all threats. Threats are based on the routing changes that provides mobility in the network. Threats faced by Mobile IPv6 security can be divided into different categories: __ Binding update (BU) to HA type threats __ Route Optimisation to CN type threats __ Threats that attack the tunnelling process between HA and MN __ Threats that uses Mobile IPv6 routing header to return traffic of other nodes Binding update and route optimisation threats are related to authentication of binding messages. Communication between MN and HA needs trust and communication authentication. This is because MN agrees to implement the HA services therefore relationship between the two must first be secure. However, the CN and MN does not have prior relationship but authenticating messages between the two is still possible. For example, this is possible by authenticating the public key. If a malicious packet is sent to the HA using the same source address as the MN, the HA will then forward the packet containing the MNs source address contained in the malicious node. However, this DoS attack can be prevented by using an algorithm to verify the BU message receives by the HA. Such threat can also be avoided when a new routing header is used to replaces the incorrect header that manoeuvres around firewall rules and obtaining a constrained address [16, 17]. V. Proposed Protection of BU Message Corresponding Author: XYZ, [emailprotected] Once the BU message is complete, the MN will receive normal traffic from the CN with the new CoA. The CN with the new nonce sends to the MN a Binding Update Verification (BUV) within a specific time frame e.g. 10 seconds. The MN then needs to reply within 10 seconds otherwise the connection between MN and CN will be terminated. This method minimises any damages caused by bombing attacks where packets are sent to the MN by malicious nodes. Cryptography Generated Address (CGA) can also be use to make spoofing type attacks more harder. Private keys can be use to signed the message as well. Since redirection attacks requires both public and private keys to perform[18-20]. Possible threats and solution is listed in table 1 [4, 17]. VI. Conclusion The requirement for Mobile IPv6 is still not complete considering there are some essential issues that are not addressed. One of the most important issues are protocol security because without secure protection against attacks, the protocol would not be accepted thus will not work at all. Presently, the standard method use for BU protection in transport mode as well as securing the connection for control message sent during home registration method is the Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP). IPSec has several advantages over SSL/TLS which is IPSec can perform without IP restriction, any protocol can be encrypted and also encrypt any packets with just their IP headers. Unfortunately, IPSec needs to be configured with various settings thus making it complicated. The IKE protocol can control the mutual authentication and cryptographic algorithm negotiations as well as dynamic key management. Additionally, authentication method such as shared secret, Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) or X.509 certificates can be use to create safe communication between peers. References/Bibliography G. Eason, B. Noble, and I. N. Sneddon, On certain integrals of Lipschitz-Hankel type involving products of Bessel functions, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. A247, pp. 529-551, April 1955. J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed., vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.68-73. I. S. Jacobs and C. P. Bean, Fine particles, thin films and exchange anisotropy, in Magnetism, vol. III, G. T. Rado and H. Suhl, Eds. New York: Academic, 1963, pp. 271-350. K. Elissa, Title of paper if known, unpublished. R. Nicole, Title of paper with only first word capitalized, J. Name Stand. Abbrev., in press. Y. Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, Electron spectroscopy studies on magneto-optical media and plastic substrate interface, IEEE Transl. J. Magn. Japan, vol. 2, pp. 740-741, August 1987 [Digests 9th Annual Conf. Magnetics Japan, p. 301-305, 1982. M. Young, The Technical Writers Handbook. Mill Valley, CA: University Science, 1989. Electronic Publication: Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs): D. Kornack and P. Rakic, Cell Proliferation without Neurogenesis in Adult Primate Neocortex, Science, vol. 294, Dec. 2001, pp. 2127-2130, doi:10.1126/science.1065467. (Article in a journal) H. Goto, Y. Hasegawa, and M. Tanaka, Efficient Scheduling Focusing on the Duality of MPL Representatives, Proc. IEEE Symp. Computational Intelligence in Scheduling (SCIS 07), IEEE Press, Dec. 2007, pp. 57-64, doi:10.1109/SCIS.2007.357670. (Article in a conference proceedings) AUTHORS PROFILE Taro Denshi received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Shibaura Institute of Technology in 1997 and 1999, respectively. During 1997-1999, he stayed in Communications Research Laboratory (CRL), Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of Japan to study digital beam forming antennas, mobile satellite communication systems, and wireless access network using stratospheric platforms. He now with DDI Tokyo Pocket Telephone, Inc.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

A Real Contemporary Problem: Fraternity Deaths and Violence

Imagine a picture of an ideal university, Lush green surroundings, modernized facilities, eccentric and highly recognized   professors stuttering about, carefully selected students with their own caliber to boast, chatting freely in the grounds and the basic motto of â€Å"Honor and Excellence†   hanging in the air.This irrefutable university exists as the very epitome of academic excellence. Future leaders of the society gather around this acropolis. This is where bright promising young minds clash and mesh to form a boulder that will serve as the structural foundation of the country within the next years to come.However, beneath this beautiful facade lies a different picture. Behind the curtains of lies and deception is a whole different story unveiled.   Behind these walls whispers a cry of injustice and a desperate plea for the destruction of a system that had long been bound by wealth and power.On the 27 of August on the same year, three cars dropped off a badly bea ten body of a boy to the hospital. His name was Chris Mendez, a student in his last year of college about to graduate with a degree of Public Administration and Governance. Minutes later, he was pronounced dead, hopes for a better life for his family died along with him.University of the Philippines offers the best facilities for educational attainment in the country. With the country paying most of the needed expenses through subsidies, students who accumulate their knowledge there are called â€Å"Scholars of the Nation.†The University is famous for the outstanding graduates they produce. This is where the phrase â€Å"freedom of speech† comes from. Students in the UP are known for their rallies against social injustices and corruption existing in the government.   There is also one other thing that they are known for.University of the Philippines hosts a lot of Student Organizations. From academics, sports, common interests, they have it all, and that includes fra ternities and sororities (Arrowsmith, 2004). All student organizations has a form of Rights of Acceptance, it will be forever imbued in the social and political culture of the school. Most of these initiation rights include hazing.The 20 year old Chris Mendez, was not the only who became the victim of hazing and other frat-related deaths and violence. Hazing, as part of the university’s tradition in acceptance had victims who suffered physically and mentally.RA 8049, also known as the Anti-Hazing states the definition of hazing as a practice in a prerequisite for acceptance and placing the applicant in a mortifying situation such as   coercing   him to do menial, foolish and other similar tasks or activities.Yet it does not take effect until, the neophyte suffers from bruises, injuries or even worse, death.   As a proof, not one of the student organizations has or had been arrested for merely shouting at an applicant in front of many people or hurling hurtful words that demeans the student as a person.Worse, even the administration itself is practicing these traditional rights of acceptance. AR Santiago, the son of former Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago committed suicide after being turned down in his application study in the UP College of Law.The panel was reported to use cruel ways in interviewing applicants, even asking in an underhanded way of how he can cope with an insane lady for a mother (Arrowsmith, 2004).Such injustice had been happening and would not have been noticed if a senator’s son hadn’t died. Up to now the law of the jungle where the strong crushes the weak occurs. It is instilled in the values of the University ‘s organizations and even in some of the administration that these archaic ways are the solution for the students to be prepared for the real world ahead, that indeed connections and power and wealth for position does exist.The Band of BrothersThe word fraternity is defined (Encarta, 2007) as an organ ization formed to enhance the social, academic, professional or personal interests of members.   Its word comes from the Latin word â€Å"frater† meaning brother.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Haitian Revolution A Successful Slave Revolt

The Haitian Revolution was the only successful black slave revolt in history, and it led to the creation of the second independent nation in the Western Hemisphere, after the United States. Inspired in large part by the French Revolution, diverse groups in the colony of Saint-Domingue began fighting against French colonial power in 1791. Independence was not fully achieved until 1804, at which point a complete social revolution had taken place where former slaves had become leaders of a nation. Fast Facts: The Haitian Revolution Short Description: The only successful slave revolt in modern history, led to the independence of HaitiKey Players/Participants: Touissant Louverture, Jean-Jacques DessalinesEvent Start Date: 1791Event End Date: 1804Location: The French colony of Saint-Domingue in the Caribbean, currently Haiti and the Dominican Republic Background and Causes The French Revolution of 1789 was a significant event for the imminent rebellion in Haiti. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was adopted in 1791, declaring liberty, equality, and fraternity. Historian Franklin Knight calls the Haitian Revolution the inadvertent stepchild of the French Revolution. In 1789, the French colony of Saint-Domingue was the most successful plantation colony in the Americas: it supplied France with 66% of its tropical produce and accounted for 33% of French foreign trade. It had a population of 500,000, 80% of whom were slaves. Between 1680 and 1776, roughly 800,000 Africans were imported to the island, one-third of whom died within the first few years. In contrast, the colony was home to only around 30,000 whites, and a roughly similar number of affranchis or free people of color (composed primarily of mulattoes, mixed-race people). Society in Saint Domingue was divided along both class and color lines, with affranchis and whites often at odds in terms of how to interpret the egalitarian language of the French Revolution. White elites sought greater economic autonomy from the metropolis (France). Working-class/poor whites argued for the equality of all whites, not just for landed whites. Affranchis aspired to the power of whites and begun to amass wealth as landowners (often owning slaves themselves). Beginning in the 1860s, white colonists began to restrict the rights of affranchis. Also inspired by the French Revolution, black slaves increasingly engaged in maroonage, running away from plantations to the mountainous interior. France granted almost complete autonomy to Saint-Domingue in 1790. However, it left open the issue of rights for free people of color, and white planters refused to recognize them as equals, creating a more volatile situation. In October 1790, affranchis led their first armed revolt against white colonial authorities. In April 1791, slave revolts begin to break out. In the meantime, France extended some rights to affranchis, which angered white colonists. Beginning of the Haitian Revolution By 1791, slaves and mulattoes were fighting separately for their own agendas, and white colonists were too preoccupied with maintaining their hegemony to notice the growing unrest among slaves. Throughout 1791, slave revolts grew in numbers and frequency, with slaves torching the most prosperous plantations and killing fellow slaves who refused to join their revolt. The Haitian Revolution is considered to have begun officially on August 14, 1791 with the Bois Caà ¯man ceremony, a vodou ritual presided over by Boukman, a maroon leader and vodou priest from Jamaica. This meeting was the result of months of strategizing and planning by slaves in the northern area of the colony who were recognized as leaders of their respective plantations. Ambushing troops in a forest, Haitian revolution, illustration.    Due to the fighting, the French National Assembly revoked the decree granting limited rights to affranchis in September 1791, which only spurred on their rebellion. That same month, slaves burned one of the colonys most important cities, Le Cap, to the ground. The following month, Port-au-Prince was burned to the ground in fighting between whites and affranchis. 1792-1802 The Haitian Revolution was chaotic. At one time there were six different parties warring simultaneously: slaves, affranchis, working-class whites, elite whites, invading Spanish, and English troops battling for control of the colony, and the French military. Alliances were struck and quickly dissolved. For example, in 1792 blacks and affranchis became allies with the British fighting against the French, and in 1793 they allied with the Spanish. Furthermore, the French often tried to get slaves to join their forces by offering them freedom to help put down the rebellion. In September 1793, a number of reforms took place in France, including the abolition of colonial slavery. While colonists began negotiating with slaves for increased rights, the rebels, led by Touissant Louverture, understood that without land ownership, they could not stop fighting. Portrait of Haitian Patriot Toussaint Louverture.   Photo Josse/Leemage/Getty Images Throughout 1794, the three European forces took control of different parts of the island. Louverture aligned with different colonial powers at different moments. In 1795, Britain and Spain signed a peace treaty and ceded Saint-Domingue to the French. By 1796, Louverture had established dominance in the colony, though his hold on power was tenuous. In 1799, a civil war broke out between Louverture and the affranchis. In 1800, Louverture invaded Santo Domingo (the eastern half of the island, modern-day Dominican Republic) in order to bring it under his control. Between 1800 and 1802, Louverture tried to rebuild the destroyed economy of Saint-Domingue. He reopened commercial relations with the U.S. and Britain, restored destroyed sugar and coffee estates to operating condition, and halted the wide-scale killing of white people. He even discussed importing new Africans to jump-start the plantation economy. In addition, he outlawed the very popular vodou religion and established Catholicism as the colonys main religion, which angered many slaves. He established a constitution in 1801 that asserted the colonys autonomy with respect to France and became a de-facto dictator, naming himself governor-general for life. The Final Years of the Revolution Napoleon Bonaparte, who had assumed power in France in 1799, had dreams of restoring slavery in Saint-Domingue, and he saw Louverture (and Africans in general) as uncivilized. He sent his brother-in-law Charles Leclerc to invade the colony in 1801. Many white planters supported Bonapartes invasion. Furthermore, Louverture faced opposition from black slaves, who felt he was continuing to exploit them and who was not instituting land reform. In early 1802 many of his top generals had defected to the French side and Louverture was eventually forced to sign an armistice in May 1802. However, Leclerc betrayed the terms of the treaty and tricked Louverture into getting arrested. He was exiled to France, where he died in prison in 1803. Believing that Frances intention was to restore slavery in the colony, blacks and affranchis, led by two of Louvertures former generals, Jean-Jacques Dessalines and Henri Christophe, reignited the rebellion against the French in late 1802. Many French soldiers died from yellow fever, contributing to the victories by Dessalines and Christophe. Haiti Independence Dessalines created the Haitian flag in 1803, whose colors represent the alliance of blacks and mulattoes against whites. The French began to withdraw troops in August 1803. On January 1, 1804, Dessalines published the Declaration of Independence and abolished the colony of Saint-Domingue. The original indigenous Taino name of the island, Hayti, was restored. Effects of the Haitian Revolution The outcome of the Haitian Revolution loomed large across slaveholding societies in the Americas. The success of the slave revolt inspired similar uprisings in Jamaica, Grenada, Colombia, and Venezuela. Plantation owners lived in fear that their societies would become another Haiti. In Cuba, for example, during the Wars of Independence the Spanish were able to use the spectre of the Haitian Revolution as a threat to white landowners: if landowners supported Cuban independence fighters, their slaves would rise up and kill their white masters and Cuba would become a Black republic like Haiti. There was also a mass exodus from Haiti during and after the Revolution, with many planters fleeing with their slaves to Cuba, Jamaica, or Louisiana. Its possible that up to 60% of the population that lived in Saint-Domingue in 1789 died between 1790 and 1796. The newly independent Haiti was isolated by all the western powers. France would not recognize Haitis independence until 1825, and the U.S. did not establish diplomatic relations with the island until 1862. What had been the wealthiest colony in the Americas became one of the poorest and least developed. The sugar economy was transferred to colonies where slavery was still legal, like Cuba, which quickly replaced Saint-Domingue as the worlds leading sugar producer in the early 19th century. According to historian Franklin Knight, The Haitians were forced to destroy the entire colonial socioeconomic structure that was the raison detre for their imperial importance; and in destroying the institution of slavery, they unwittingly agreed to terminate their connection to the entire international superstructure that perpetuated slavery and the plantation economy. That was an incalculable price for freedom and independence. Knight continues, The Haitian case represented the first complete social revolution in modern greater change could be manifest than the slaves becoming the masters of their destinies within a free state. In contrast, the revolutions in the U.S., France, and (a few decades later) Latin America were largely reshufflings of the political elites—the ruling classes before remained essentially the ruling classes afterward. Sources History of Haiti: 1492-1805., Franklin. The Caribbean: The Genesis of a Fragmented Nationalism, 2nd edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.MacLeod, Murdo J., Lawless, Robert, Girault, Christian Antoine, Ferguson, James A. Haiti.